Tuesday 30 December 2014

THE FOOL - Research

  I got cast as Feste, who is more commonly referred to as the fool in the play. I thought it would be helpful for me to do some research on the jester's and fool's of Shakespearean time, what their job was and what was their place in the society. Hopefully, this will help me with my character development, but also just helping me to construct a coherent image of Feste's life.


  • Court Jesters date back before the Medieval era 
  • Job was to bring smile to the face of the master and entertain
  • Female fools were rare, though have been mentioned(Lucretia the Tumbler and Jane The Fool)
  • Only one who really had freedom of speech - could say anything to the king/queen, because of their eccentricity and state as the fool, who as a job mocks people
  • Some achieved considerable fame, but many were common in court
  • often worked also as actors or playwrights
  • "Natural fool" was someone who was born with a foolish nature, in other words they were mentally disabled. Society found mental illness(madness) entertaining, and if one was clever or lucky enough to use their simplicity as a advantage, they  could make a living out of it. 
  • "Artificial Fool" purposely acted simple, odd, or eccentric to entertain and sometimes even to indirectly to give advice.  
  • The first costumes of court fool show their hats to have had ears of an ass, the tail being added later. This then moved on to colourful and humorous attire. 
  • Feste was originally probably played by Robert Armin, a goldsmiths turned actor and author, who is listed as one of the 'principal actors' in Shakespeare's plays. He also wrote three jest-books.

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