Friday 16 January 2015


   We had our presentations on different subjects all surrounding Shakespeare today, and we were asked to take notes on others presentations. Then, for blog we were asked to identify some pieces of info that can influence our scenes and research further. Here is the information I gathered during the presentations and what I have further research on the topics:
  • Harry's presentation was about the actors of Shakespeare's time and I felt this information could be very useful for me with Feste's character. He's the fool and during that time, a lot of the jesters also worked or had worked as actors or playwrights. This explains how well Feste is able to take on the role of Sir Tobias, when fooling Malvolio. Most likely, Feste would have received the same kind of training as an actor would have, which meant he would have followed a fellow actor to learn their talents. Actors were often multi-talented, since they had to do their own stunts, including sword fights and convincing falls. But actors job wasn't exactly honorable, they were often thought to be on the same level with robbers and treated with suspicion. This really helps me with some of the reactions from the characters in the play towards Feste. Even though most act very familiar around him, since they have probably known him for a long time, some, like Malvolio, are more distant and suspicious of him. 
  • From Sav's presentation I found more about puritans and their relationship with the theatre, especially how they wanted to shut them all down. Even though Feste isn't straight on actor, nor does he necessarily work at theaters, he still sees his profession as an art. I can use this information to work on the relationship between Malvolio and Feste and how Feste views Malvolio. 

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