Friday 30 January 2015


   Today we finally started to work on the act 4 scene 2, where Malvolio is captures and Feste gets to play around with him. I have been reading the scene on my own and we have experimented with the cage a bit before, but today Andy and Siou gave me their time to work on the acting and blocking of scene. The blocking is quite simple, Malvolio(Michael) is stated in the cage, where as I get to go around him and use the stage. Andy gave me a very good note to really play with it, and even play a game where I do not want to be seen by Michael. I want to experiment this more next week, now that I am getting more comfortable with the lines, and hopefully I will be able to be memorized to fully use my body to my advantage.
   Also, finding the character of Sir Topas was in discussion. When I first went over the lines in character, I made him very large, masculine and threatening, but as Andy pointed out, it isn't clear enough transition from Feste. So, I did then show a different version I have been working on, more of an old character that is even a little patronizing towards Malvolio. Why I was afraid of this version at first was because it uses a a nasally voice  with a slight lisp, so it make the lines very unclear and using diction even more important. This was also pointed out to me, especially since our space will be bigger there the annunciation might get muffled easily. To work through this, I should work on doing the lines more in this character, to find all the difficult words and phrases that would be easily lost and do tongue twister such as "She stood upon the balistrated balcony""Sheila found a seashell on the seashore" to work on my clarity. Both of these tongue twisters have different S's that sound usually the same with a lisp. It will help me to focus on the speech and clarity of it, while still maintaining the hilarity of Sir Topas.

   Next time, I'd like to really start working with Michael to find some humour between the two characters and explore with the physical possibilities of Malvolio. I feel that working together on Michaels characters is also important to me, since it will help me to perhaps have Feste make  fun of him, but also create some humour together for the audience to laugh at. Even though it is a lot about how Feste is on the stage,it is also important to find a balance between these two characters and their actions.

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