Tuesday 6 January 2015

6.1.15 - Tension

"An actor needs a free body from tension that can be used to create and experience a role."

Locate tension
     ----> sub-conscious - watch ourself
                   -----> relax
                                 -----> free imagination

  • 2 Types
    • Build up over the course of our lives unknowingly
    • From circumstances we are in
We started to explore tension in different exercises. The first exercise we had everyone sit on a chair around the chair. Then everyone, one by one, would pick up the chair and walk with it to another space and then come back and sit back on the chair. Here, we would examine everyone and their tensions, but also try to feel where our own tensions were. For me, tension was very much in the hands and arms, but also knees and my back.
   The second exercise we had to imagine we were painting the Sussex downs. We had to imagine in details the actions of a painter and then pretend to paint on an canvas, after a while we went to the floor to lay down for 5 minutes and relaxed our body. Then we did the painting exercise again, now more relaxed. The idea was that the second time imagining the situation should be easier, and I did find this to be true. 

Starting to work on the Scenes
   Next we started to work on the scenes. Our task was to choose 5 moments in the scenes that were very important, and would show the story clearly. Then we would have to choose 5 lines to represent these moments and create a physical scene based on these lines. Mine, Greta's and Jade's scene was act 2 scene 4, where Orsino and Viola(as Cesario) have a moment with each other and talk about love. The were the lines we chose:
  • "That old and antic song we heard last night: Methought it did relieve my passion much,"
    • This line sets the mood of Orsino, who is sad from getting rejected by Olivia
  • "What kind of woman is't?" "Of your complexion"
    • Shows the audience Violas feelings towards Orsino, by telling him that the 'woman' she loves looks like Orsino
  • "Truly sir, and pleasure will be paid, one time or another."
    • Feste is in this scene to play a song to the two, but also sees the connection between them and before leaving, he plays around with Orsino, even mocking him for changing his love interests so quickly
  • "But if she cannot love you, sir" " I cannot be so answered."
    • Viola tries to get Orsino change his mind about Olivia, but is blatantly denied this option.
  • "But indeed our shows are more than will, for still we prove much in our vows but little in our love"
    • Viola tells her story disguised as 'her sisters story' to Orsino, but also her view on love and men
  • "say My love can give no place, bide no denay"
    • After Violas attempt to change Orsinos mind about love and Olivia, Orsino orders Viola to go to Olivia and basically tell his love towards her once again.
What do you do to achieve "free body" & "active imagination"?
   I feel that it is very hard for me to relax. I fidget a lot and there is a lot of tension in my body, especially in my neck, knees, back and my jaws. I haven't really found a way for me to find this relaxed state, since after relaxation exercises I often feel sleepy and unable to focus, which affect my imagination. Usually focusing on my breathing helps, since I have used this to help with my panic attacks. I imagine this picture in my head that move in a certain slow speed and I need to breath with it.

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